There are many times when people may not drive as well as they otherwise can. Those who have had too much to drink may struggle to properly operate a vehicle. Individuals taking medication for illnesses or injuries may also experience diminished capacity at the wheel....
Auto Accident
What are the signs of a severe concussion after a car crash?
Getting into a car accident can be disorienting, making you feel confused shortly after the incident. During this time, getting medical attention could be vital, mainly if you sustained injuries that may worsen over time, such as a concussion. In minor cases, these...
Driver dies after fleeing a traffic stop in Kansas City
A tragic incident unfolded in Kansas City, Missouri, when a driver lost his life after fleeing an attempted traffic stop in Prairie Village, Kansas. This Sunday afternoon event has left the community in shock and searching for answers. Why was the man stopped? ...
Two ways you can seek compensation after a car crash
Following a car accident that was not your fault, you might be grappling with physical pain and mounting medical bills. The good news is that you can seek compensation in two ways: a personal injury lawsuit and an insurance claim. Both options can provide financial...
3 reasons broken bones from car wrecks may become particularly costly
Most people know that car crashes can cause very expensive injuries. Many motorists immediately check themselves, their passengers and even the people in the other vehicle for signs of major injuries. They then communicate with first responders about the need for...
Should you move your car after a car accident in Missouri?
When you get into a car accident, the moments immediately following the collision can be disorienting and stressful. You are faced with a flurry of decisions, and one of the most pressing questions might be: Should I move my car? In Missouri, the answer depends on the...
5 valuable people to talk to after a car accident
The sudden and shocking turn of events due to a car collision can severely disorient injured parties. The rush of emotions can leave them too stunned to immediately know what to do and who to turn to. However, they must communicate with different types of people at...
Will you be liable if you’re the middle car in a chain-reaction crash?
It only takes one driver’s unsafe road behavior to trigger a series of unfortunate car collisions. If it so happens that you are the middle car in a tragic accident involving more than two cars, you might be wondering if you also played a role in making matters worse....
Is my car crash injury too minor to sue for damages?
When talking about car crashes, some think of badly dented vehicles and injuries that would put a person on a stretcher. But in reality, a lot of auto accidents are minor, and some victims would merely get bruises or a few stitches. If you are a victim of a minor car...
Who pays for hit-and-run car accidents in Kansas?
Hit-and-run car accidents are unfortunately quite common in Kansas, leaving victims with significant property damage, injuries and medical bills. Just this month, an unsuspecting pedestrian ended up in critical condition when a Hyundai Sonata spun in the bystander’s...