A recent news story discussed a horrific event that occurred at the Nair Hospital in Mumbai, India. Rajesh Maru, age 32, was killed when he was sucked into a hospital MRI machine when visiting a relative. Maru entered the MRI room carrying a large metal oxygen...
Month: March 2018
The Danger of Finding Doctors on Yelp
The Internet is how most consumers nowadays find products or services. In the U.S., the number of Internet users in 2016 was roughly 290 million. Can Americans trust online review sites when it comes to choosing a doctor?Yelp was founded in 2004. Every day, thousands...
Do Good Samaritan Laws Only Affect Healthcare Providers?
A man eating at a restaurant suddenly gasps. He grabs his throat, unable to speak. Luckily, an off-duty nurse is standing in line, waiting for her meal. She steps in and performs the Heimlich maneuver, dislodging the food stuck in the man's throat and saving his life....
Understanding the Dangers of Hospital-Acquired Infections
Roughly 2 million people develop bacterial infections every year in the United States, and approximately 250,000 cases originate in hospitals-with 23,000 leading to fatalities. Herb Kuhn, President of the Missouri Hospital Association, says there have been a small...