Is my car crash injury too minor to sue for damages?

On Behalf of | May 18, 2023 | Auto Accident

When talking about car crashes, some think of badly dented vehicles and injuries that would put a person on a stretcher. But in reality, a lot of auto accidents are minor, and some victims would merely get bruises or a few stitches. If you are a victim of a minor car crash, it is possible to worry whether your injury is too insignificant to open a case for damages.

No injury is too small

Even if you only acquire a minor injury, the vehicle accident still adversely affects you economically and noneconomically. For one, you still have to fix your car, no matter how minor the bump or scratch is. You also have to seek medical attention to ensure that you have no internal injuries that can lead to severe injuries later on. Victims must also consider the possibility of delayed injury symptoms that could take days, weeks or months to appear.

Technically, you will face losses that you would not have if it were not for the crash. This includes treatment bills, car repair costs and loss of income for the days you have to settle the issues. Before you know it, the total damages for the car accident, no matter how minor, can pile up quickly.

Types of compensation

Depending on the circumstances of the case, Missouri car crash victims can receive any of the following damages:

  • Medical and treatment bills
  • Property damage repair costs
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income

Even minor vehicle collisions can cause great stress to victims. It is essential to understand that no injury is too small. If you have doubts about your injury claim’s chances, you can consider consulting with a legal expert.


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