When compared with a car accident or an accident involving a piece of machinery, people in Kansas City may be tempted not to think of a slip and fall as a major ordeal. Particularly if the fall is from the same height, it may just seem that the worst case scenario is...
Month: May 2019
Recent tragedy shows fatal wrecks not just on highways
Many times, the serious and fatal traffic accidents in this area that get the attention of Kansas City's news media happen on major highways or, at least, on principal roadways where motorists travel at higher speeds. However, as a recent tragic case illustrated,...
Medical malpractice can cause brain injuries
When many people in the Kansas City area think of a brain injury, they may think of someone suffering a severe blow or other trauma to the head. These sorts of brain injuries are relatively common in connection with car accidents, falls and the like, but they are less...
When it comes to malpractice claims, Missouri falls in the middle
Those in the Kansas City area who hear opinions that medical malpractice payments are getting handed out like candy here need to understand that the hard numbers tell a different story. In fact, is far from the top of the list, relative to its sister states, when it...
Mistakes Missouri medical professionals shouldn’t make, but do
No one wants their doctor to tell them they need surgery, but many Missouri residents will receive such news before 2019 ends. Some situations might involve elective surgeries. However, you may be among those who currently have a serious health condition that requires...
Crane accident illustrates important lessons
Because it attracted the notice of the national news media, a crane accident which left four people, including a young college student and two construction workers, dead may have come to the attention of Kansas City residents.This national tragedy, which happened in a...