You may not believe this, but…nothing.
Let’s say you’re on the freeway and a big rig driver, who is on his cellphone, changes lanes without looking, crunching you between the median and his truck. You have to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance and require intensive care. Your medical bills are through the roof.
Can you really afford an attorney?
Honestly? You can’t afford not to have one.
Breakdown of the Costs
Personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers almost always work on something called a contingency-fee basis. Their fees are “contingent” on you receiving a settlement or verdict of money. When you do, then the law firm will deduct your expenses (things that the law firm paid for up front, throughout the case) and take a portion of the final amount as payment, usually between 33%-45%.
At Norton & Norfleet, P.C., here’s what we do:
- When a potential client comes in, we front the cost for a medical/other records review. (This can cost thousands of dollars). We do this because we look at each case as a potential investment. We end up looking at a lot of risky cases that other firms have already turned down.
- We walk all clients through the claims process. Not everyone is familiar with medicine or the law, so we take the time to explain every detail to them.
- If it doesn’t look like a winnable case, we won’t charge for the review.
- If we think we can help (and we do take “risky” cases that other firms won’t touch), we take on the case, charging the client nothing, and only taking our fee when everything’s closed and done with.
A Real-Life Example
One of our recent cases did, in fact, involve a major tractor-trailer accident. The trucking insurance company offered nothing to the victim (an 8-year-old boy who had serious injuries). We took the trucking company to trial, and the jury awarded our client $22 million. What did the boy’s parents pay up front? Nothing. Throughout the trial? Nothing. Only when they had been given $22 million for their boy did we get our percentage.
Norton & Norfleet, P.C., settles the majority of the cases we take. Only about 15%-20% go to trial.
If you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries in an automobile accident, please call us. Our firm takes on challenging cases, and we are willing and able to go to trial if necessary. We have had very good trial results, as you can see. Call (816) 607-4750 to speak to an experienced Kansas City personal injury attorney-for free!