Personal Injury Trial Attorneys Since 1952

Are You A Victim Of Wrong Site Surgery?


Every doctor, hospital and medical provider has protections in place to help prevent the occurrence of wrong site surgery errors. Yet these injuries still affect numerous people in Missouri and across the country.

Norton & Spencer, P.C., is one of Kansas City’s leading personal injury firms. Due to our proven record in medical malpractice, lawyers across the state refer medical malpractice cases to our firm. If you have been injured by a wrong site surgery incident, schedule a free consultation at our offices and learn how we can help you.

What Causes Wrong Site Surgery?

Wrong site surgery errors occur in about one in 100,000 surgeries, according to an estimate from the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare. Yet while this sounds rare, it is one of the top causes of medical malpractice injuries. These sometimes fatal errors can be caused by a range of issues:

  • Improper surgery site markings
  • Lack of checks in place to verify surgery site
  • Overworked staff or surgeons
  • Incompetence of surgeon or staff
  • Mistakes in reviewing medical records

The Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare found that poor communication is the top cause of these errors, followed closely by general noncompliance issues among the surgery staff.

You Need A Lawyer Who Is Familiar With These Injuries

Wrong site surgery errors often result from gross negligence. While you are well-deserving of full and fair compensation, it can still be difficult to secure that compensation without a capable attorney by your side.

Norton & Spencer, P.C., has championed medical malpractice victims for over half a century. We offer free initial consultations for you to get started and meet our leading attorneys. Call 866-251-5423 or send us an email to make your appointment.